Explore the world of 3D Computer Graphics

Whether its another imaginary megaceptile creature, an aerodynamic automobile, or simply a walk-through model of a new house under construction, bringing their ideas to life in a 3D technology project based learning environment helps kids to think critically and interact with science, technology, engineering, art and math, all at the same time.

Students use industry standard tools to prepare a model for 3D printing, create a character rigged for real life movement syncs, create naturalistic  material like water, fire, or create an accurate representation of an architectural design, all that can lead to a full fledged career as a 3D modeler, animator, artist or a motion graphics




Software & Equipment

Autodesk MAYA, Poser, Blender

SketchUp Pro, 3D Printing

Wacom Cintiq, Intuos Tablets


Over to you now

Are you already excited about 3D Modeling? Or, are you feeling intimidated by the software usage? Have you tried making one? There are indeed so many astonishing established and emerging 3D CG artists who's work we can find on the web. Each of them tells a unique story and each of them are fruits of a creative mind and a skillful hand. Take a look...

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